Friday, June 28, 2013

Living Love

Proper 8, Year C
2 Kings 2:1-2, 6-14           or      1 Kings 19:15-16, 19-21
Psalm 77:1-2, 11-20          or      Psalm 16
Galatians 5:1,13-25                                           
Luke 9:51-62     
The currency of God is love.  God is love itself.  As St. Paul writes in 1 Corinthians, "Love is patient, love is kind..."  Love is not resentful, it doesn't seek revenge, it doesn't intentionally hurt us – it wants us to become fully, spiritually, human; and nothing will keep this from eventually happening.  The fruits of love are joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, gentleness... (Galatians 5).
If your image of God is anything else, think about changing it, because you're not realizing the full truth.
Love is also a choice we make.  If it wasn't a choice, it wouldn't be love – it would be a software program.  For us to be able to choose love, God had to take a risk and give us free will, the freedom to choose it.
St. Paul writes in his letter to the Galatians that we are called to this freedom.  We can choose to be a slave to our own egos (to become self-indulgent, as he calls it), or "becomes slaves to one another."  He wasn't talking about a slavery of oppression, but a deep commitment of love for one another, in community (families, social groups, churches, support groups, etc.).
We do not lose our identity when we commit to a group through love; we actually enhance our identity through the interconnectedness that comes with a cohesive community. Pure individualism spawns social disintegration.  Individualism can happen even when people interact on a daily basis with others at work or play; but it is done for their own benefit rather than for the benefit of the community. 
St. Paul warns, "If you bite and devour one another, take care that you are not consumed by one another."  Feels a little like this is what's happening in today's society.

Again, the fruits of a life with the Spirit include "love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control."  These are nice things, indeed, but how does one live a life to get them?  The secret is in the fruits of the Spirit themselves:
·         love your neighbors as yourself
·         be joyful
·         spread peace
·         be patient
·         show kindness to people, creatures, and the earth
·         be generous with your time, talent and treasures; share a smile and a blessing
·         have faith that all will be well
·         be gentle with others, and with yourself
·         be aware of each moment and how you are relating to it; what impact are you having right now, and how will it impact the future?  This will help you with self-control.
The benefits of a life in the Spirit become the tools to get there; the tools bring the benefits.  This is one of God's many circles of life that bring new life.
Blessings to all!

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