Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Stations of the Manger 8

Stations of the Manger 8. Encounter at the Inn

Christmas Eve

Nativity Scene: Mary and Joseph are added to the scene.

Scripture: (Luke 2:7)

…there was no room for them in the inn.

Reflection: The closest many of us ever come to being homeless or having the smallest inkling of what it would be like to be homeless is not being able to find a room for the evening when on a vacation road trip. For many people, not finding a place to stay happens every day.

The world has sufficient bounty for everyone to have a clean place to sleep and take care of, a place to call their own that is adequate for their needs, a place where they can be with family and enjoy meals together. And yet, our world’s economic system results in some of us living in huge mansions while others live in local shelters or cardboard boxes on the street.

Prayer: Lord, we ask You to bless this place we live in and all who enter. Be our shelter when we are at home, be our companion when we are away, and be our welcome guest wherever we
16may rest for the evening. And at the last, receive us into the dwelling place You have prepared for us in our Father’s house, where we will live forever and ever. Amen.

Hymn(s): O Holy Night

Response: Let us remember those who can call no place their home. Pray for more economic equity among all nations and peoples; pray that those more fortunate find it in their hearts to live more simply that they may share of their bounty and blessings. Consider donating time or money to local emergency shelters or organizations that help people have homes.

Christmas Blessings,

Br. Daniel-Joseph

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