Monday, July 14, 2008

A Moooo-ving Message

Greetings, Sister, Brothers, and Friends of the Community!

I pray that this note finds you all well and wrapped in the arms of Christ!

Last night Andy Rooney ended the 60 Minutes show with a brief discussion on milk. Milk producers have been wondering why milk consumption has been dropping over the years, he said, and suggested that they simply read the labels on so-called “milk.” Especially what used to be “Half and Half.” What was once half milk and half cream is now “stuff he has never heard of.” Read the label – it gets rather lengthy. Whole milk itself, he said, should be called “whole water,” because there is little left of what milk really should be.

Mary and I drink raw milk. Each week we stop at a local farm, fill up our gallon jug, take it home, and put it in our refrigerator. By the next morning there is a thick layer of cream (REAL CREAM) at the top which is skimmed off, and we make ice cream and butter from it. And what is especially nice is that the cows we get it from actually eat GRASS!

All this is the way things were meant to be. But it is not the way things are any more. Milk is just one of hundreds of examples of our food being tampered with. Yes, some processing of food is helpful – we can and freeze food for later use, but we don’t go much beyond that. When humans begin to interfere with the natural rhythms and cycles of our food supply we are asking for trouble. It would seem that the greater interference we have had with our food supply over the last few decades, the greater our society has been experiencing medical issues – increased obesity, increased diabetes, increased autism, increased cancers, increased you-name-it. There seems to be a correlation between the degree to which our foods are manipulated and our medical ills. Although correlation doesn’t prove causation, do ya think nature is trying to tell us something? (You are what you eat?)

This past week Michael DeBakey, MD, a famous heart surgeon, died at the age of 99. Having worked almost all of his life repairing human hearts, he has been quoted to say, “An analysis of cholesterol values…in 1,700 patients with atherosclerotic diseases revealed no definite correlation between serum cholesterol levels and the nature and extent of atherosclerotic disease.” Maybe we are slowly re-discovering that saturated fats are not the culprit in our many ills.

One of our underlying values in this Community is simplicity. Perhaps this applies to what we eat as well. If this concerns you, please start looking at labels on your food before you buy them. (I was once told that it was safer to eat the box the cereal came in than it was to eat the cereal!) You may be feeding chemical companies, but you are not feeding yourself. (Follow the money!) Just as we need to have a proper spiritual diet, managing what goes into our mouths may prove to be very beneficial!

If you’re interested in further research and another way of looking at things, please explore

You’ll be utterly amazed!

Br. Daniel-Joseph, CTG

P.S. The possession, use, distribution, or sale of raw milk is illegal in many states. In Wisconsin, it can be sold incidentally off the farm, but not through stores, or transported across state lines. I haven’t checked into the legality of eating other natural foods that are good for me, so I may be risking incarceration. If you don’t hear from me for a while, I should be out soon…

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